wendy head shot.jpg

Made with love.

About me


  • Origins

    Greetings and a warm welcome!

    I am a native New Yorker born and raised in Manhattan.

    I am 2nd generation American. My roots are Russian and Lithuanian.

  • style/how I arrived here

    I came from a very artistic family. As a child growing up in the City of NY I was surrounded by museums, Broadway theaters and rich cultures of diverse communities.

  • schooling

    I graduated from the High Scholl of Art & Design. I attended Fashion Institute of Technology.

    I am a NY State Licensed Massage Therapist

    with an Associates Degree in Applied Sciences

  • influences

    My influences come from my life. I was a professional dancer and the beauty of dance moves me artistically. I now teach dance (Middle Eastern). Being involved in an industry rich with costumes, jewelry, food, music and art is seen in my vision’s on canvas.

  • aim

    My aim is to bring to life the beauty of women. Seeing one’s self in art I feel; is so important to reflecting the legacy of women of ALL colors. That being said, through the selling of my art I will be donating a percentage of the proceeds to the https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/chat/

    This has a deep meaning to me as my mother committed suicide when I was 8 years old. She was an artistic person. She painted, danced and was a insightful photographer. She was a troubled soul but never the less exposed me to creativity that was inclusive of all people on this earth.

  • philosophy

    Do not be afraid of color. Do not be afraid of making mistakes.

    Never give up on the art in front of you. It could be your next Master piece.

  • family

    I am a heavenly blessed mother of 3 adult sons.

    A grandmother to an amazing granddaughter and grandson and, the most blessed wife of an incredible husband.